Collection: Home page

11 products
  • Simply Communion Cup - a prefilled Communion cup with bread
    Simply Communion Cup - a prefilled Communion cup with bread
  • Chalice Communion Cup - a prefilled communion cup with bread
    Chalice Communion Cup - a prefilled communion cup with bread
  • Simply Communion cup - a prefilled cup - Grape Juice Only NO Bread
    Simply Communion cup - a prefilled cup - Grape Juice Only NO Bread
  • Fellowship Cups
    Fellowship Cups
  • Box of 1,000 1 1/8" Olan Communion Cups ($25.95 per 1,000)
    Box of 1,000 1 1/8
  • Case of 6,000 1 3/8" Tall Communion Cups $131.70 ($21.95 per 1,000)
    Case of 6,000 1 3/8
  • Communion Bread - Hard - 500 1/2 x 1/2 pieces
    Communion Bread - Hard - 500 1/2 x 1/2 pieces
  • Paper Doilies (6 Inch)
    Paper Doilies (6 Inch)